Our expertises


Since more than 75 years, LGMC has combined its artisanal knowledge with its cutting-edge industrial expertise, enabling it to produce more than one million cans per day.

At each stage of the process, from the catching of the fish to the packing of the cans in the Safi and Agadir factories, quality control points are rigorously applied to ensure that the product conforms to specifications.

Believing that the deployment of the highest standards of certification remains the best vector for development and sustainability, LGMC deploys energy and investments to maintain the highest level of food and social certifications. In this context, LGMC is regularly audited by accredited organizations and also by its clients.

Did you know it ?

Once received, our fish are processed by hand to preserve their delicate flesh and their beautiful reflections intact. This artisanal and traditional treatment, combined with the expertise of our technicians, offers the consumer a quality fish declined in several recipes and flavors. The residues of fish flesh are transformed in priority into canned fish in the form of crumbs and pâtés. The by-products that cannot be processed into canned fish are, as a last resort, directed towards the production of fish meal by our partners.


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